Planet Points: Quick Classroom tips and Tricks!

I love fun, decorative gel clings for my classroom door.
You know what I don’t love?  The kiddos touching them, taking them off, dropping them on the floor, and putting them back up!
I don’t like it when I can’t get them to look like they do in the package.
I have a solution!
Leave the plastic backing on!
This is a picture from the back.
Everything stays right where it is meant to be and if the kiddos touch it, they won’t be touching the gel!
You could even cut it into the shapes of the objects so you can spread them out!  
Here is what it looks like from the front of my door:
Gel cling idea!
Easy peasey!  When you are done, you just peel them off and stick them in a plastic baggie for next time.  Or, if you are super organized, keep the top plastic that they came with and stick it all back together!
Hope that this helps!
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